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Gender: male
Age: 60
About Me: Mature (not old!) experienced alpha male dominant who won't cause you any problems and just wants to have fun. I adore submissive women and am very comfortable taking charge, but it's a play-time fantasy for me, not a lifestyle. Safe, sane, and consensual are the only ways I play. I've been designing and building my own bondage furniture and devices for years, and know pretty much everything that's worth knowing about BDSM, but your personal experience level isn't important. At least not to me. Yes, of course there needs to be chemistry and genuine physical attraction, but I think sexy comes in lots of shapes and sizes. Want to explore your dark side? Interested in finding your limits? Maybe having them pushed a little? Do it with someone who knows what he's doing, is patient, and will always have your well-being in mind. You will always be treated with respect, and although it won't always be purely pleasurable, it will never be more than you can handle. I never have forced a woman to do anything she didn't want to be forced to do, and I never will. Kinda old-school about how people should be treated I guess. I'm intelligent, in good shape, have been told I'm good looking, and never take myself too seriously. I'm no angel and can be demanding and very intense in the moment, so your A-Game will often be required, but it's no fun for me if it's not big fun for you too. I'm a degreed professional and have been way around the block, so I can spot a phony a mile away. I appreciate authenticity, respect honesty, and have zero interest in head games, so let's please don't go there. I don't judge, don't pry, and don't need or want to know anything more than you want me to. Noob or seasoned pro, you can probably imagine, or are already familiar with the significant trust many of these activities require. To me, this means whatever we are or aren't to each other, whatever "we" become or don't, however long it lasts or doesn't, in addition to trust, it also requires a friendship. So as far as I’m concerned, we can be fuck buddies, pen pals (no wait, let's don't be pen pals), secret lovers...hell, I suppose we can even hate-fuck each other's brains out if we want, as the consenting adult Americans we are, but we really kinda need to be good close friends first and last and always. That will be my approach anyway, and you will instinctively know the care I have for you, and about you, will be genuine - because it'll be obvious. I do not ever kiss & tell, I'm at least as aware as you are that your submission is a rare gift, I take care of those who take care of me, I'll be sincerely grateful for your time and attention, and it will be my pleasure to pleasure you, and to have your back, if you will let me, and reciprocate. Let's see...what else...did I mention I love to fuck? I love to fuck! Long and hard and rough for hours on end, intensely banging each other's brains out in the most erotically, violently, mind-blowingly orgasmic ways possible, until we're both dripping with sweat, covered in each other, and barely able to stand. I'm a big fan of recreational sex, for what I think are obvious reasons. I've heard it called "casual sex", which is OK too, except I know some people get morally hung up on the concept of casual sex, and there's rarely anything casual about the way I like to do it. This is probably as good a time as any to also mention I don't switch. Nothing against others who do. I just don't. Actually, the truth is I cannot wait to tie you up, make you my toy, and have my way with you in ways you're not likely to forget. And you will love it:) "Don't believe me? Just watch." How many orgasms have you had in one afternoon? How many Can you have? If you decide to spend an afternoon playing with me, we are going to find out.
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