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Gender: female
Age: It's a secret
About Me: I love conversation, open-mindedness, companionship, and going out for fun, personable, social times. I also thrive on significant amounts of quiet, quiet activities, contemplation, time to really think and feel for myself, away from the intense distractions which surround us. I am probably a rather even mix of introvert/extrovert, leaning at times more in one direction or the other. I am happiest when I'm feeling centered - remembering a greater truth about who we all really are. I am especially happy when physically with my love partner, who also cherishes a life lived/being together! I'm definitely not the 'separate-lives' type nor thrive living 'parallel-lives'. I find that physically sharing most life activities together grows more understanding, closeness, love and intimacy - what I give my time, attention, and presence to becomes my passion
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